I am aware with escaping special characters in HTML.
But, I am still asking this as I have come across a situation.
I have a JSP, in which I am not allowed put validation on input. Users are entering special characters to test.
Input string:
When I am displaying from database, I am using
<%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(map[i].get("text").toString())%>
where "map" is an array of Hashmap. This works fine.
The problem comes when I need to pass this string to JavaScript using
<input type="Button"
onclick="onEdit('<%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(map[i].get("text").toString())%>',
'<%= strShortCut%>','<%= map[i].get("uid")%>')" value="Edit">
The string becomes ''#@$%'
How do I escape a single quote?
If you would be using Java, maybe you can do the below in Java.
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
String result = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(jsString);