I want to detect if a mobile device is an Tablet (iPad) or not in ASP.net I had a look at 51degrees project but the function to detect a tablet isn't available in the free version - and since we distribute our ASP.net solution to 100's of customers, we cannot buy a 51degrees license for all of them.
Are there any free or open source alternatives for 51degrees available? Or will newer versions of MVC (4?) provide more information in detail than the plain IsMobileDevice()?
Thanks, Konrad
We now user the old Mobile Device Browser File: http://mdbf.codeplex.com/
And extend it with our own browser file as it was described in this solution: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/MixMobileWebSitesWithASPNETMVCAndTheMobileBrowserDefinitionFile.aspx
Now we can even define own parameters to detect, e.g., the compatibility mode of the internet explorer or define an iPad as a non-mobile device.