I'm in the process of learning haskell and came across this problem:
Using Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 6.10.4, for Haskell 98, stage 2 booted by GHC version 6.10.1
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module UPSO where
import Control.Monad(forM,forM_)
import Control.Monad.ST.Lazy (ST,runST)
import Data.Array.MArray (MArray, Ix, getBounds, newArray, readArray, writeArray)
import Data.Array.ST (STArray,STUArray)
minmax xs@(x:_) = foldr (\x (l,u) -> (min x l,max x u)) (x,x) xs
modify a i f = do
x <- readArray a i
writeArray a i (f x)
increment a i = modify a i (+1)
decrement a i = modify a i (\x -> x - 1)
uniquePermutationsM t 0 = return $! [[]]
uniquePermutationsM t pos = do
(l,u) <- getBounds t
perms <- forM [l..u] (\d -> do
count <- readArray t d -- t[d]
if count == 0
then return $! []
else do
decrement t d
pss <- uniquePermutationsM t (pos-1)
increment t d
return $! (map (d:) pss)
return $! (concat perms)
mkArray :: (Int,Int) -> (ST s) (STArray s Int Int)
mkArray bounds = newArray bounds 0
uniquePermutationsST :: [Int] -> ST s [[Int]]
uniquePermutationsST xs = do
let bounds@(l,u) = (minmax xs)
t <- mkArray bounds
forM_ xs (increment t)
pos <- sum `fmap` mapM (readArray t) [l..u]
uniquePermutationsM t pos
uniquePermutations xs = runST (uniquePermutationsST xs)
But when I try to switch to unboxed arrays, I get an error message.
mkArray :: (Int,Int) -> (ST s) (STUArray s Int Int)
mkArray bounds = newArray bounds 0
uniquePermutationsST :: [Int] -> ST s [[Int]]
uniquePermutationsST xs = do
let bounds@(l,u) = (minmax xs)
t <- mkArray bounds
forM_ xs (increment t)
pos <- sum `fmap` mapM (readArray t) [l..u]
uniquePermutationsM t pos
uniquePermutations xs = runST (uniquePermutationsST xs)
Could not deduce (MArray (STUArray s) Int (ST s))
from the context ()
arising from a use of 'newArray' at UPSO.hs:35:17-33
Possible fix:
add (MArray (STUArray s) Int (ST s)) to the context of
the type signature for 'mkArray'
or add an instance declaration for (MArray (STUArray s) Int (ST s))
In the expression: newArray bounds 0
In the definition of 'mkArray': mkArray bounds = newArray bounds 0
and also:
Could not deduce (MArray (STUArray s) Int (ST s))
from the context ()
arising from a use of 'increment' at UPSO.hs:41:14-24
After almost two hours of fiddling with the type annotations I hope someone can point me in the right direction. What on earth is going wrong?
Thank you for your time.
I've posted the same question on the haskell mailing list and got this answer:
This works if I [use the strict]
instead ofControl.Monad.ST.Lazy
.The problem is that the
instances are declared for the strictST
monad; there appear to be no corresponding instances for the lazyST
-- by Dave Menendez (http://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/)
Didn't think of that. But makes kind of sense not to define these instances, since unboxed values cannot have their computation delayed.
Peter Gammie pointed out that one can apply the function strictToLazyST
of the Control.Monad.ST.Lazy
module to use unboxed mutable arrays in a lazy state thread. Keep in mind though that the array still is strict in its contents.