I have created a custom webusercontrol. The user control is fully created in code .
It consists of a radgrid and radcombox.
The radcombox is filled with database tables, when the user select a table the data
needs to be shown in the radgrid.
This usercontrol is added to a aspx page. Everything works perfectly.
Here comes the problem:
I want a radajaxloadingpanel to be shown on the radgrid while it rebinds, using a radajaxmanagerproxy control. This doesn't work until I hit the refresh button or a page next or prev of the radgrid. Then everything works fine.
I know the combobox works because the data does change only the loadingpanel isn't shown.
Does anybody have a clue on how to solve this, a work around or a suggestion I can look into?
Finally got it to work. I did something wrong in the creation life cicle:
now i have it like this. And it works ;)
public class CustumControl
implements CompositeControl
Private RadAjaxLoadingPanel1 As New RadAjaxLoadingPanel
Private RadAjaxManagerProxy1 As New RadAjaxManagerProxy
Protected Sub Control_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
With RadAjaxManagerProxy1.AjaxSettings
End with
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
'Set properties controls and add themwill
End Sub
end class
Hope this will help other people with simular problems.
grtz Yuri