I'm attempting to use a sweeper to clear the home page index action when a new article is published.
The home page cache is working fine in development environment and expires after 1 minute. However when an article is saved, the sweeper action is not triggered.
class HomeController < ApplicationController
caches_action :index, :expires_in => 1.minute
cache_sweeper :article_sweeper
def index
@articles = Article.published.limit(5)
class ArticleSweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
observe Article
def after_update(article)
expire_action(:controller => 'home', :action => 'index')
Either I've gone wrong somewhere or a different approach is needed to expire the home page cache.
My app uses ActiveAdmin to update articles, and Dalli for Memcache (as I'll be using Heroku).
Two steps to the solution:
The controller performing the changes on the model needs to have the sweeper reference, not the destination controller as shown above. In this case it is active_admin, so I added this to my admin/articles.rb file (source) instead of the home controller.
controller do
cache_sweeper :article_sweeper
And the controller name needs a slash
expire_action(:controller => '/home', :action => 'index')