I need to import data from excel,And the I decided to use PHPExcel,But when I require it in my web , a few warnings occured :
include_once(PHPExcel\Shared\ZipStreamWrapper.php) [<a href='function.include-once'>function.include-once</a>]:
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\www\LearningCenter\library\Zend\Loader.php on line 146
here is my code.:
public function getUserFromExcel($path){
echo $path;
require_once 'Excel/PHPExcel.php';
echo $path;
and my webapp structre is :
library Zend Excel others-thirdpart-library
it seems that there is something wrong with the autoloader.
I read a few articles But did not find a solution.
My final aim is to read date from an excel file: can some one give me some sugestion on ether how to use phpexcel in zend or how to import data from excel useing zend itself.
copy the PHPExcel library into your /library
directory, the structure should be as follows
and then add this in your application.ini
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "PHPExcel_"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "PHPExcel"
and it should work.