
How to cast type bytea to double precision

I have a database column which type is bytea. It contains floats converted as byte array (4 bytes per one float) and encoding is Escape. I'm be able to retrieve corresponding bytea string using substring function.

My question is how can I convert bytea string to float inside a SQL function. Earlier I converted to float in C# side. I used dataReader.getByte method to retrieve bytes and then Converted to float using BitConverter.ToSingle (.Net build in class) method.

Now I can't use intermediate component as Npqsql driver. I want SQL to directly convert bytea into floats and return the corresponding number when execute a query from 3rd party application.

Thanks Amila


  • For this purpose the best possible solution is to convert into bytes using IEEE754-1985 standard using SQL commands.

    First it is required to check for special cases defined by IEEE754-1985 standard. Then just follow the standard algorithm to convert if it is not in any special cases. Sample code is below.

    Inputs are bytea_value bytea, is_little_endian boolean then divide into 4 bytes as below:

      byte_array[0]:= get_byte(bytea_value, 0);
      byte_array[1]:= get_byte(bytea_value, 1);
      byte_array[2]:= get_byte(bytea_value, 2);
      byte_array[3]:= get_byte(bytea_value, 3);

    Then get the binary value by considering little endian or big endian

    IF is_little_endian THEN
            binary_value:= byte_array[0]::bit(8) || byte_array[1]::bit(8) || byte_array[2]::bit(8) || byte_array[3]::bit(8);
            binary_value:= byte_array[3]::bit(8) || byte_array[2]::bit(8) || byte_array[1]::bit(8) || byte_array[0]::bit(8); 
        END IF;

    Now check for special cases:

    IF binary_value = '00000000000000000000000000000000' OR binary_value = '10000000000000000000000000000000' THEN -- IEEE754-1985 Zero
            return 0.0;
        END IF;
    sign := substring(binary_value from 1 for 1);
        exponent := substring(binary_value from 2 for 8);
        mantissa := substring(binary_value from 10 for 23); 
        IF exponent = '11111111' THEN
            IF mantissa = '00000000000000000000000' THEN   -- IEEE754-1985 negative and positive infinity
                IF sign = '1' THEN                    
                    return '-Infinity';                    
                    return 'Infinity';  
                END IF;                  
              return 'NaN'; -- IEEE754-1985 Not a number
            END IF; 
        END IF;

    If it does not belong to any special cases just convert it as below:

    exp := exponent::int;
        IF exp > 126 THEN
         exp := exp - 127;
         exp:= -exp;
        END IF;
        WHILE mantissa_index < 24 LOOP
            IF substring(mantissa from mantissa_index for 1) = '1' THEN
                result := result + power(2, -(mantissa_index));
            END IF;
            mantissa_index = mantissa_index + 1;
        END LOOP;
        result := result * power(2, exp);
        IF(sign = '1') THEN
            result = -result;
        END IF;
        return result;