
Packaging Operation Failed in Xcode 4

When I use Xcode 4 to create an app IPA fie, I go to Product --> Archive to get an Xcode Archive. I recently read the SO post here detailing on how to distribute an app in the AppStore. I followed the instructions in this post and my errors still persist.

Xcode Organizer Options for Xcode Archive

First, I begin with validation. When I click Validate I login, elect the correct code signing ID and then get the following error:

Packaging Operation Failed Error

I get the same error message when I attempt to distribute to the AppStore.

Any ideas as to why I cannot share and/or distribute my app?


Previously, I was having trouble validating and distributing and as a result I would receive this error:

No Suitable Application Records were found

I fixed this problem by finishing my CCATs / Encryption Registration in iTunes Connect.


  • I got the same error and found this solution (Xcode 4.4).

    In Build Settings/Code Signing I had "Don't Code Sign" in my first Archive attempt.

    I then put a valid Distribution Certificate (in the Release identity) and, after Archiving, validation of package went flawless.

    Thanks to Apple that at every release does something (undocumented) different from the previous version.
