I have an int array as a property of a Web User Control. I'd like to set that property inline if possible using the following syntax:
<uc1:mycontrol runat="server" myintarray="1,2,3" />
This will fail at runtime because it will be expecting an actual int array, but a string is being passed instead. I can make myintarray
a string and parse it in the setter, but I was wondering if there was a more elegant solution.
Implement a type converter, here is one, warning : quick&dirty, not for production use, etc :
public class IntArrayConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
public override bool CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType)
return sourceType == typeof(string);
public override object ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value)
string val = value as string;
string[] vals = val.Split(',');
System.Collections.Generic.List<int> ints = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int>();
foreach (string s in vals)
return ints.ToArray();
and tag the property of your control :
private int[] ints;
public int[] Ints
get { return this.ints; }
set { this.ints = value; }