
How to get the last word of a string?

I have a batch file which takes as an argument a file path

set filePath = %1

Now, lets say the file path is: C:\Temp\Folder, I want to set the Folder in a new variable. How can I do that?

I search on the web and all solutions are something like this:

for %%A in (%filePath%) do set last=%%A

but this works only for string with spaces.


  • You can extract Folder from C:\Temp\Folder by applying the ~n modifier to %1:

    SET "last=%~n1"

    If the last item may contain ., use ~nx instead:

    SET "last=%~nx1"

    The ~n modifier applies to a positional parameter or a loop variable and extracts the last name from the path specified by that parameter or variable. The ~x modifier extracts the extension of the last name (the part starting from the last .). Accordingly, ~nx extracts both the (last) name and the extension.