I've been creating an idle program to count in minutes when the mouse and keyboard are inactive. This is what I have so far:
using namespace std;
tickCount = GetTickCount();
int minutes = (tickCount - last_info.dwTime) / 60000;
if((minutes >= 1) && (count%3000==0))
ifstream in("in.txt");
ofstream out("out.txt");
float sum;
in >> sum;
sum = sum++;
out << sum;
out << in.rdbuf();
std::cout << "Idle Time: " << minutes << " minutes." << std::endl;
When I run it idle for one minutes the "sum" says it's 1, I then close the program and open it up for one minutes again and the "sum" says it's 2. I close the program and open it for one more minute and it's back down to 1. Why is this happening?
Here's what i think happens.
contents of in.txt 1
contents of out.txt 2 1 2 1
when you read your value from in into sum, sum = 1; sum++ happens, sum becomes 2.
2 goes into out.txt; then 1 goes into out.txt. then you print "idle time". and it goes round and round and round since sum is always initialized to 1.
try commenting out this line
out << in.rdbuf();
or declaring sum with a greater scope (outside the file reading loop)
also you never seem to add minutes to it...
EDIT: lets try this...
if((minutes >= 1) && (count%3000==0))
time_t date = time(NULL); //store the time in our date
tm* timePtr = localtime(&t); //now we can extact dates out of it
int day = timePtr->tm_mday;
int month = timePtr->tm_mon;
int year = 1900 + timePtr->tm_year; //trust me, you gotta 1900 to it.
char* filename;
sprintf(filename, "log-%d-%d-%d.txt", day, month, year);
ifstream in(filename);
// float sum; why is this float when we do sum++ below?
int sum;
in >> sum;
ofstream out(filename);
out << sum;