
How to hint the index to use in a MySQL select query?

I have a MySQL query (running MySQL 5.0.88), which I'm trying to speed up. The underlying table has multiple indices and for the query in question, the wrong index is used (i_active - 16.000 rows, vs. i_iln - 7 rows).

I'm not very experienced with MySQL but read there is a use index hint, which can force mySQL to use a certain index. I'm trying it like this:

 SELECT art.firma USE INDEX (i_iln)

but this produces a MySQL error.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? (Except running 5.0.88, which I can't change.)


  • You missed the

    FROM table

    Correct SQL should be:

    SELECT art.firma FROM your_table USE INDEX (i_iln) WHERE ....