The following works with gfortran or f95, but not with ifort:
interface add
procedure addr, addi
end interface add
real a, b
integer i, j
data a, b, i, j /1.0, 2.0, 1, 2/
call add(a,b)
call add(i,j)
subroutine addr(x,y)
real x, y
print *, x+y
end subroutine addr
subroutine addi(m, n)
integer m, n
print *, m+n
end subroutine addi
ifort returns this error:
error #6643: This statement is incorrectly positioned.
procedure addr, addi
error #8168: Parentheses are required after the PROCEDURE keyword.
procedure addr, addi
Assume that any module procedure can not be used (we don't want to have addr and addi in a module) and ifort has to be used as a compiler. Any help would be appreciated.
Intel Fortran 12.1.5 does not support the form or meaning of a procedure-stmt (the statement inside the interface block that the error refers to) without the leading MODULE keyword.
(Consequently the compiler has classified the line as a procedure-declaration-stmt - hence the two errors.)
The form of the procedure statement without the leading module was introduced in the Fortran 2003 standard, the ability to have internal procedures as specific procedures behind a generic interface was introduced in the Fortran 2008 standard.
There is no work around, given your stated requirement of not being able to use module procedures, until Intel Fortran supports that particular Fortran 2008 feature.