Let's assume that some developer in my team shelved his changes that he did in branch A. And I am working on branch B. Can I unshelve his changes into branch B? (By GUI or command prompt)
The Visual Studio Power Tools should let you do this.
C:\src\2\Merlin\Main>tfpt unshelve /?
tfpt unshelve - Unshelve into workspace with pending changes
Allows a shelveset to be unshelved into a workspace with pending changes.
Merges content between local and shelved changes. Allows migration of shelved
changes from one branch into another by rewriting server paths.
Usage: tfpt unshelve [shelvesetname[;username]] [/nobackup]
[/migrate /source:serverpath /target:serverpath]
shelvesetname The name of the shelveset to unshelve
/nobackup Skip the creation of a backup shelveset
/migrate Rewrite the server paths of the shelved items
(for example to unshelve into another branch)
/source:serverpath Source location for path rewrite (supply with /migrate)
/target:serverpath Target location for path rewrite (supply with /migrate)
/nobackup Skip the creation of a backup shelveset
For example to merge a shelve set called "Shelve Set Name" created on Branch1 to Branch2 use this:
>tfpt unshelve "Shelve Set Name";domain\userName /migrate /source:"$/Project/Branch1/" /target:"$/Project/Branch2/"