I've been unable to work with an object within code triggered from a Resque worker. This is a sinatra/datamapper app. The Feed class is a DataMapper model. Here's the Subscriber code
class Subscriber
@queue = :subscriptions_queue
def self.perform(feed_id)
feed = Feed.get(feed_id)
Working well, up until the subscribe() method executes
class Feed
def subscribe
feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(url)
raise feed.description
Which results in an error:
** [23:09:44 2012-08-02] 32028: (Job{subscriptions_queue} | Subscriber | [2]) failed: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `description' for #<Hash:0x007fa6f4b97e48>>
Why would that be a hash? I can call inspect on the feed object:
class Feed
def subscribe
feed = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(url)
raise feed.inspect
which dumps the feed as one would expect:
** [23:01:31 2012-08-02] 32010: (Job{subscriptions_queue} | Subscriber | [2]) failed: #<RuntimeError: {#<Addressable::URI:0x3fefd45f2fb8 URI:http://feeds.feedburner.com/scoutapp>=>#<Feedzirra::Parser::RSSFeedBurner:0x007fdfaa024f18 @title="Scout ~ The Blog", @url="http://blog.scoutapp.com/", @description="Scout ~ The Blog", @hubs=["http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/"], @entries=
See any areas to look at?
It's actually an hash with a pair of Addressable::URI => Feedzirra::Parser::RSSFeedBurner
if you don't know how to get that URI object just do feed[feed.keys[0]].description
or feed.values[0]
Also checking the github repo it seems you should have a entries
method. This happens if you are fetching from the root url. So you might be able to do feeds.entries.first
if you only want to get the first.