I'm creating a bilingual site and have decided to use session_start
to determine the language of the page using the following:
$_SESSION['language'] = 'English'; //default language
The problem with this is that it clashes with Wordpress and I get the following:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/neurosur/public_html/v2/wp-content/themes/default/header.php:8) in /home/neurosur/public_html/v2/wp-content/themes/default/region.php on line 13
Is there a way to get around this?
I've changed my original answer to the correct one from @rafi (see below).
Write the following code in your functions.php file:
function register_my_session()
if( !session_id() )
add_action('init', 'register_my_session');