
How can clients using my web service bypass their ISP's transparent proxy cache to ensure their requests reach my server?

I've written a RESTful web service which is consumed only by devices, never browsers. The devices access the internet via the owner's existing household router and communicate with the web service by sending HTTP requests through the router as often as every 30 seconds. These requests are mostly "polling" requests to see if the web service has any new information for the device.

I want to prevent any ISP transparent proxies from intercepting the request and returning a cached response. I've read that one way to do this is to append a random query string onto the end of the URL of the request to fool the proxy into thinking it's a unique request. For example:


I have the ability to do this, but is this the best way? Kinda seems like a hack.


  • You should use HTTP's Cache-Control header to achieve this.

    In the response you should send:

    Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, max-age=0

    You shoud also send a Pragma header for legacy HTTP/1.0 intermediary servers:

    Pragma: no-cache

    Related reading: