
How to set up answer file/.ini for WinZip installer using NSIS

I am creating an installer that installs several programs and file packages at once, one of these being WinZip, I want the WinZip installer to run in the background, from what I've gathered using /s will make it run in silent mode, BUT the installer still doesn't install. I believe that is because of the selections one must make during the WinZip installation process. so my question is how could I set this up to silently install WinZip in the background? would I need an Answer file? if so how do I get that set-up? any help would be great!

*snippet of my code in the NSIS file:

IfFileExists "C:\Program Files\WinZip\WINZIP32.EXE" Dont_Install 
SetOutPath $TEMP
File "Installerfiles\WinZip165.exe"
DetailPrint "Starting Winzip installation"
ExecWait "/s WinZip165.exe"
Delete $TEMP\WinZip165.exe
Goto done
MessageBox MB_OK "You seem to have this program \
(WinZip) already installed"  

*note I have seen the other questions on having a silent install, this question is more WinZip specific and pertaining to how I would establish an answer file if need be.


  • ExecWait "/s WinZip165.exe" is clearly wrong, it should be ExecWait '"$TEMP\WinZip165.exe" /S' but I don't think WinZip uses a NSIS based installer...

    They do offer a .MSI, you might want to take a look at that. Their knowledgebase contains some useful tips like this and this. You can also find some other tips by googling...

    If you have any other questions about their silent install mode you should probably contact WinZip support.