
how to synchronise audio and video using xuggler

I am developing Screen Recorder with Audio using xuggler in java. I have successfully created video file and Audio file separately. now I wants to Synchronize those two file. I have tried using "", but when I run the file then it just produce 44bytes file. Can anyone tell me what is the problem? Thanks in advance.


  • I was also heaving the problem of Synchronize two file (audio and video). There were lots of tips to do this on Internet but not a complete code example. I solved it by writing the code using xuggler. Here is the code. If you have any question please do ask. I will help you, as much i can. This is the code:

    import com.xuggle.mediatool.IMediaWriter;
    import com.xuggle.mediatool.ToolFactory;
    import com.xuggle.xuggler.IAudioSamples;
    import com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec;
    import com.xuggle.xuggler.IContainer;
    import com.xuggle.xuggler.IPacket;
    import com.xuggle.xuggler.IStream;
    import com.xuggle.xuggler.IStreamCoder;
    import com.xuggle.xuggler.IVideoPicture;
     * This class is used to merge audio and video file.
     * @author Arslaan Ejaz
    public class DecodeAndSaveAudioVideo {
     public static void main(String[] args)
        String filenamevideo = "f:/testvidfol/video.mp4"; //this is the input file for video. you can change extension
        String filenameaudio = "f:/testvidfol/audio.wav"; //this is the input file for audio. you can change extension
        IMediaWriter mWriter = ToolFactory.makeWriter("f:/testvidfol/audiovideooutput.flv"); //output file
        IContainer containerVideo = IContainer.make();
        IContainer containerAudio = IContainer.make();
        if (, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cant find " + filenamevideo);
        if (, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cant find " + filenameaudio);
        int numStreamVideo = containerVideo.getNumStreams();
        int numStreamAudio = containerAudio.getNumStreams();
        System.out.println("Number of video streams: "+numStreamVideo + "\n" + "Number of audio streams: "+numStreamAudio );
    int videostreamt = -1; //this is the video stream id
    int audiostreamt = -1;
    IStreamCoder  videocoder = null;
        for(int i=0; i<numStreamVideo; i++){
            IStream stream = containerVideo.getStream(i);
            IStreamCoder code = stream.getStreamCoder();
            if(code.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO)
                videostreamt = i;
                videocoder = code;
        for(int i=0; i<numStreamAudio; i++){
            IStream stream = containerAudio.getStream(i);
            IStreamCoder code = stream.getStreamCoder();
            if(code.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
                audiostreamt = i;
        if (videostreamt == -1) throw new RuntimeException("No video steam found");
        if (audiostreamt == -1) throw new RuntimeException("No audio steam found");
        if(<0 ) throw new RuntimeException("Cant open video coder");
        IPacket packetvideo = IPacket.make();
        IStreamCoder audioCoder = containerAudio.getStream(audiostreamt).getStreamCoder();
        if(<0 ) throw new RuntimeException("Cant open audio coder");
        mWriter.addAudioStream(1, 1, audioCoder.getChannels(), audioCoder.getSampleRate());
        mWriter.addVideoStream(0, 0, videocoder.getWidth(), videocoder.getHeight());
        IPacket packetaudio = IPacket.make();
        while(containerVideo.readNextPacket(packetvideo) >= 0 ||
                containerAudio.readNextPacket(packetaudio) >= 0){
            if(packetvideo.getStreamIndex() == videostreamt){
                //video packet
                IVideoPicture picture = IVideoPicture.make(videocoder.getPixelType(),
                int offset = 0;
                while (offset < packetvideo.getSize()){
                    int bytesDecoded = videocoder.decodeVideo(picture, 
                    if(bytesDecoded < 0) throw new RuntimeException("bytesDecoded not working");
                    offset += bytesDecoded;
                        mWriter.encodeVideo(0, picture);
            if(packetaudio.getStreamIndex() == audiostreamt){   
            //audio packet
                IAudioSamples samples = IAudioSamples.make(512, 
                int offset = 0;
                    int bytesDecodedaudio = audioCoder.decodeAudio(samples, 
                    if (bytesDecodedaudio < 0)
                        throw new RuntimeException("could not detect audio");
                    offset += bytesDecodedaudio;
                    if (samples.isComplete()){
                         mWriter.encodeAudio(1, samples);