
Can I Disable the Creation and Storage of LSO or Flash Cookie By Disable Adobe Flash Player?

Can I Disable the Creation and Storage of LSO or Flash Cookie By Disable Adobe Flash Player?

Since it's a flash, I can just disable adobe flash player and it's all gone right.


  • I'm not sure I follow your capitalization... is "Cookie By Disable" some sort of a brand name?

    Anyways. LSO files are saved in a certain place on your computer. Every instance of the player, standalone, a browser plugin or an ActiveX will save them in the same place. They have different function from web cookies, and you cannot disable them for the same reason you cannot disable a file... (it's not a function of a file, file is just data, you can't disable data, however, you can delete it).

    When it comes to disabling anything related to these files, then your options are: