okay, i'm trying to compile the fileshare example called 'pcp' using the following command
wolfgang@den-pc:~/tejesh/libjingle-0.6.14/programs$ g++ -g -Wall -DPOSIX
../talk/build/dbg/lib/libxmpphelp.a ../talk/build/dbg/lib/libjingle.a ../talk/build
/dbg/lib/libexpat.a ../talk/build/dbg/lib/libsrtp.a -lpthread -lssl
And i get the following 'typeinfo' error...
pcp_main.cc: In member function ‘virtual void
pcp_main.cc:348:12: warning: enumeration value ‘STATE_NONE’ not handled in switch
/tmp/ccVe8JUg.o:(.rodata._ZTI14CustomXmppPump[typeinfo for CustomXmppPump]+0x18):
undefined reference to `typeinfo for XmppPump'
/tmp/ccVe8JUg.o:(.rodata._ZTIN7cricket18SessionManagerTaskE[typeinfo for
cricket::SessionManagerTask]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for buzz::XmppTask'
/tmp/ccVe8JUg.o:(.rodata._ZTIN7cricket15SessionSendTaskE[typeinfo for
cricket::SessionSendTask]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo for buzz::XmppTask'
/tmp/ccVe8JUg.o:(.rodata._ZTI17AutoPortAllocator[typeinfo for AutoPortAllocator]+0x8):
undefined reference to `typeinfo for cricket::HttpPortAllocator'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Anybody have some idea on this issue?
Did manage to compile pcp succesfully by scons,......... in your talk/ directory append the following line to 'libjingle.scons'
talk.App(env, name = "pcp",
posix_libs = [
srcs = [
libs = [ "jingle", "expat", "srtp", "xmpphelp", ], )
And then build it using instructions from the README of libjingle.. pcp binary will be built in your /talk/build/dbg/staging/ directory..