
When we run SQL Server 2008 R2 in compatibility mode 80, what features do we get?

We have SQL Server 2008 R2 running in compatibility mode 80 (2000) as we have lot of discontinued features used. Initially i thought i will get only features of 2000 to use, but as pleasant surprise i show CTE work, I thought this is superset case. we have access to all features of 2000, 2005, 2008 and R2 but recently when I was playing around with DMV/DMF I tried to pass sql_handle to sys.dm_exec_sql_text, but it did not work. A bit of googe/hit and run showed me that i need to change compatibility mode as this will not work in comaptibilty mode 80. So what features we have access to when we use 2008 r2 in compatibility mode 80 (2000) ???

Also does this compatibility mode apply on SSIS?


  • From comments I realize it is PARTIAL backward compatibility, so in my scenario I get all features of 2000 and some of 2008.