How can I change AssemblyName dynamically, based on content of some file?
For instance, I have file named "AssemblyBaseName.txt" which contains "Abcd" string I want my assembly DLL/EXE name to be Abcd.Common.dll, where "Common" is constant.
I've tried to use ReadLinesFromFile like this
<Target Name="Build">
<AssemblyBaseNameFile Include="Test.txt"/>
<ReadLinesFromFile File="@(AssemblyBaseNameFile)">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="AssemblyBaseName" />
<Message Text="AssemblyBaseName: $(AssemblyBaseName)" />
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">x86</Platform>
<AssemblyName Condition=" '$(AssemblyName)' == '' ">$(AssemblyBaseName).Common</AssemblyName>
but did not succeed.
Since static properties are processed before any targets are executed, your target changed the value of $(AssemblyBaseName), but only after the value of the statically declared $(AssemblyName) was set – using the original value of $(AssemblyBaseName).
You need to redefine $(AssemblyName) dynamically (inside your target) as well.
Also, you've overridden the "Build" target. I'm not sure how this assembly will build, you need to use a differently named target, and be sure that it executes prior to any use of $(AssemblyName) by the normal build pipeline.