I am trying to build first time my Delphi application through command line using DCC32. I have few doubts regarding the configuration file of my project. There are some search paths I have to add to project when compiling through IDE. When I remove them, the compilation fails.
Now if I compile it through command line is it need to specify configuration file details or the search path parameters?
without any parameters:
dcc32.exe project1.dpr
with some parameters:
dcc32.exe -u%Shared% -ND:\out project1.dpr
I have following doubts:
Please provide some help to resolve my doubts. Any information related to dcc32 compilation options will be appreciated.
1. - If the project config file is not specified in the command line options, will the settings be taken from the project's cfg file generated by IDE ?
2. - When I use the -U, -N options in command line will that override all the settings from a project cfg file ?
No. Command line options takes precedence though, but only those options you specify will override the settings from the project's *.cfg file, not the whole configuration
3. Is there a difference between compilation from command line and compilation from IDE ?
No. There is no difference speaking about Delphi 5. From my view, the command line way just brings you the possibility to automate a build process through command line batch without need of opening IDE.