I'm running Coldfusion8
and am uploading files to Amazon S3.
When displaying images, I want to check whether an image is available from S3 and if not show a fallback image. My problem is, don't know how to check for existing images.
If I list the link to an image, it's something like this:
I'm trying to check for existing files like this:
<cfif fileExists("http://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket/s_" & items.filename)>
<cfdump output="e:\website\test\dump.txt" label="catch" var="found!!!">
Do I always have to provide accesskey, expires and signature
when checking for an image? If I enter the image path without credentials in the browser, the image is loaded, so I don't understand why my fileExist
is not working. Any idea?
I've used the getObjectInfo
method in the S3.cfc to see if an object exists:
<cffunction name="getObjectInfo" access="public" output="false" returntype="string"
description="Creates a bucket.">
<cfargument name="bucketName" type="string" required="yes">
<cfargument name="filekey" type="string" required="true" hint="" />
<cfset var data = "">
<cfset var content = "">
<cfset var contents = "">
<cfset var thisContent = "">
<cfset var allContents = "">
<cfset var dateTimeString = GetHTTPTimeString(Now())>
<!--- Create a canonical string to send --->
<cfset var cs = "HEAD\n\n\n#dateTimeString#\n/#arguments.bucketName#/#Arguments.filekey#">
<!--- Create a proper signature --->
<cfset var signature = createSignature(cs)>
<!--- get the bucket via REST --->
<cfhttp method="HEAD" url="http://s3.amazonaws.com/#arguments.bucketName#/#Arguments.filekey#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Date" value="#dateTimeString#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="AWS #variables.accessKeyId#:#signature#">
<cfreturn cfhttp.StatusCode />
If I get a 200
status back, then I know the object exists.