
Different results between Debug and Release

I have the problem that my code returns different results when comparing debug to release. I checked that both modes use /fp:precise, so that should not be the problem. The main issue I have with this is that the complete image analysis (its an image understanding project) is completely deterministic, there's absolutely nothing random in it.

Another issue with this is the fact that my release build actually always returns the same result (23.014 for the image), while debug returns some random value between 22 and 23, which just should not be. I've already checked whether it may be thread related, but the only part in the algorithm which is multi-threaded returns the precisely same result for both debug and release.

What else may be happening here?

Update1: The code I now found responsible for this behaviour:

float PatternMatcher::GetSADFloatRel(float* sample, float* compared, int sampleX, int compX, int offX)
    if (sampleX != compX)
        return 50000.0f;
    float result = 0;

    float* pTemp1 = sample;
    float* pTemp2 = compared + offX;

    float w1 = 0.0f;
    float w2 = 0.0f;
    float w3 = 0.0f;

    for(int j = 0; j < sampleX; j ++)
        w1 += pTemp1[j] * pTemp1[j];
        w2 += pTemp1[j] * pTemp2[j];
        w3 += pTemp2[j] * pTemp2[j];
    float a = w2 / w3;
    result = w3 * a * a - 2 * w2 * a + w1;
    return result / sampleX;

Update2: This is not reproducible with 32bit code. While debug and release code will always result in the same value for 32bit, it still is different from the 64bit release version, and the 64bit debug still returns some completely random values.

Update3: Okay, I found it to certainly be caused by OpenMP. When I disable it, it works fine. (both Debug and Release use the same code, and both have OpenMP activated).

Following is the code giving me trouble:

#pragma omp parallel for shared(last, bestHit, cVal, rad, veneOffset)
for(int r = 0; r < 53; ++r)
    for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
        for(int c = 0; c < 30; ++c)
            for(int o = -1; o <= 1; ++o)
                r: 2.0f - 15.0f, in 53 steps, representing the radius of blood vessel
                c: 0-29, in steps of 1, representing the absorption value (collagene)
                iO: 0-2, depending on current radius. Signifies a subpixel offset (-1/3, 0, 1/3)
                o: since we are not sure we hit the middle, move -1 to 1 pixels along the samples

                int offset = r * 3 * 61 * 30 + k * 30 * 61 + c * 61 + o + (61 - (4*w+1))/2;

                if(offset < 0 || offset == fSamples.size())
                last = GetSADFloatRel(adapted, &fSamples.at(offset), 4*w+1, 4*w+1, 0);
                if(bestHit > last)
                    bestHit = last;
                    rad = (r+8)*0.25f;
                    cVal = c * 2;
                    veneOffset =(-0.5f + (1.0f / 3.0f) * k + (1.0f / 3.0f) / 2.0f);
                    if(fabs(veneOffset) < 0.001)
                        veneOffset = 0.0f;
                last = GetSADFloatRel(input, &fSamples.at(offset), w * 4 + 1, w * 4 + 1, 0);
                if(bestHit > last)
                    bestHit = last;
                    rad = (r+8)*0.25f;
                    cVal = c * 2;
                    veneOffset = (-0.5f + (1.0f / 3.0f) * k + (1.0f / 3.0f) / 2.0f);
                    if(fabs(veneOffset) < 0.001)
                        veneOffset = 0.0f;

Note: with Release mode and OpenMP activated I get the same result as with deactivating OpenMP. Debug mode and OpenMP activated gets a different result, OpenMP deactivated gets the same result as with Release.


  • To elaborate on my comment, this is the code that is most probably the root of your problem:

    #pragma omp parallel for shared(last, bestHit, cVal, rad, veneOffset)
        last = GetSADFloatRel(adapted, &fSamples.at(offset), 4*w+1, 4*w+1, 0);
        if(bestHit > last)

    last is only assigned to before it is read again so it is a good candidate for being a lastprivate variable, if you really need the value from the last iteration outside the parallel region. Otherwise just make it private.

    Access to bestHit, cVal, rad, and veneOffset should be synchronised by a critical region:

    #pragma omp critical
    if (bestHit > last)
        bestHit = last;
        rad = (r+8)*0.25f;
        cVal = c * 2;
        veneOffset =(-0.5f + (1.0f / 3.0f) * k + (1.0f / 3.0f) / 2.0f);
        if(fabs(veneOffset) < 0.001)
            veneOffset = 0.0f;

    Note that by default all variables, except the counters of parallel for loops and those defined inside the parallel region, are shared, i.e. the shared clause in your case does nothing unless you also apply the default(none) clause.

    Another thing that you should be aware of is that in 32-bit mode Visual Studio uses x87 FPU math while in 64-bit mode it uses SSE math by default. x87 FPU does intermediate calculations using 80-bit floating point precision (even for calculations involving float only) while the SSE unit supports only the standard IEEE single and double precisions. Introducing OpenMP or any other parallelisation technique to a 32-bit x87 FPU code means that at certain points intermediate values should be converted back to the single precision of float and if done sufficiently many times a slight or significant difference (depending on the numerical stability of the algorithm) could be observed between the results from the serial code and the parallel one.

    Based on your code, I would suggest that the following modified code would give you good parallel performance because there is no synchronisation at each iteration:

    #pragma omp parallel private(last)
        int rBest = 0, kBest = 0, cBest = 0;
        float myBestHit = bestHit;
        #pragma omp for
        for(int r = 0; r < 53; ++r)
            for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                for(int c = 0; c < 30; ++c)
                    for(int o = -1; o <= 1; ++o)
                        r: 2.0f - 15.0f, in 53 steps, representing the radius of blood vessel
                        c: 0-29, in steps of 1, representing the absorption value (collagene)
                        iO: 0-2, depending on current radius. Signifies a subpixel offset (-1/3, 0, 1/3)
                        o: since we are not sure we hit the middle, move -1 to 1 pixels along the samples
                        int offset = r * 3 * 61 * 30 + k * 30 * 61 + c * 61 + o + (61 - (4*w+1))/2;
                        if(offset < 0 || offset == fSamples.size())
                        last = GetSADFloatRel(adapted, &fSamples.at(offset), 4*w+1, 4*w+1, 0);
                        if(myBestHit > last)
                            myBestHit = last;
                            rBest = r;
                            cBest = c;
                            kBest = k;
                        last = GetSADFloatRel(input, &fSamples.at(offset), w * 4 + 1, w * 4 + 1, 0);
                        if(myBestHit > last)
                            myBestHit = last;
                            rBest = r;
                            cBest = c;
                            kBest = k;
        #pragma omp critical
        if (bestHit > myBestHit)
            bestHit = myBestHit;
            rad = (rBest+8)*0.25f;
            cVal = cBest * 2;
            veneOffset =(-0.5f + (1.0f / 3.0f) * kBest + (1.0f / 3.0f) / 2.0f);
            if(fabs(veneOffset) < 0.001)
            veneOffset = 0.0f;

    It only stores the values of the parameters that give the best hit in each thread and then at the end of the parallel region it computes rad, cVal and veneOffset based on the best values. Now there is only one critical region, and it is at the end of code. You can get around it also, but you would have to introduce additional arrays.