[Sorry for long question but it is necessary to explain the problem]
I am working on a learning website and it is supposed to show a list of messages to user if there are any. Something like this:
When user presses close button, that message must be marked "read" and should not be shown next time. Following code is used to generate those messages:
<% foreach (var m in Model.UserMessages) { %>
<div class="um" id="m<%=Html.AttributeEncode(m.ID) %>">
<p class="mh"><%= Html.Encode (String.Format ("From {0} ({1})", m.From, m.Sent)) %></p>
<p><%= Html.Encode (m.Text) %></p>
<% using (Html.BeginForm ("CloseMessage", "Home", new { id = m.ID })) { %>
<input type="submit" value="Close<%= Html.AttributeEncode (m.ID) %>" id="c<%= Html.AttributeEncode (m.ID) %>"/>
<% } %>
<% } %>
After that, following the guidelines, I added the support of http post method in controller which marks the message as read and then refreshes the view (to handle disabled JavaScript):
public ActionResult CloseMessage (int id) {
using (var dl = new DL ()) {
dl.MarkAsRead (id);
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest ()) {
return new EmptyResult ();
else {
return RedirectToAction ("Index");
Then I wanted to add JavaScript support such that only the message goes away (using jQuery). But the problem is that I am generating the buttons and messages programmatically.
So ended up with a weird looking javascript code in viewpage:
<script type="text/javascript">
$().ready(function() {
<% foreach (var m in Model.UserMessages) { %>
$("#c<%=Html.AttributeEncode (m.ID) %>").click(function(event) {
$.post("Home/CloseMessage/<%=Html.AttributeEncode (m.ID) %>");
$("#m<%=Html.AttributeEncode (m.ID) %>").slideUp("slow");
<% } %>
This is basically creating the javascript code in a C# loop which actually works but too much for me to digest. Is there any better way of doing this?
You could just create one javascript function that takes the element IDs as parameters :
function myFunction(ID) {
$.post("Home/CloseMessage/" + ID);
$("#m" + ID).slideUp("slow");
And :
<% foreach (var m in Model.UserMessages) { %>
<div class="um" id="m<%=Html.AttributeEncode(m.ID) %>">
<p class="mh"><%= Html.Encode (String.Format ("From {0} ({1})", m.From, m.Sent)) %></p>
<p><%= Html.Encode (m.Text) %></p>
<% using (Html.BeginForm ("CloseMessage", "Home", new { id = m.ID })) { %>
<input type="submit" value="Close<%= Html.AttributeEncode (m.ID) %>"
id="c<%= Html.AttributeEncode (m.ID) %>"
<% } %>
<% } %>