
Why I can't call method in Coldfusion component?

I'm using Coldfusion8 and am stuck trying to call a component. This worked up until a few days ago and although I can't recall changing anything, all my calls to this component now fail.

Here the code:

<cfinvoke component="form_mailer_user" method="msg_contact">
     <cfinvokeargument name="userData" value="#Local.User#"/>

Nothing special really except maybe for passing a struct are argument.

I'm getting the following error:

 Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface form_mailer_user. 
 Ensure that the name is correct and that the component or interface exists

It exists allright... so what can I do to try and access it?

Thanks for help!

Both files are in the same folder called services. I have a mapping for this folder in my application.cfc

THIS.mappings["/services"] = GetDirectoryFromPath( GetCurrentTemplatePath() ) & "services";

But trying to call the component like so:


also does not work.

My application.cfc

<cfcomponent displayname="Application" output="false" hint="Application handler">   
    <cfscript> = "abc";
        THIS.sessionManagement = "true";        
        THIS.sessionTimeout = createTimeSpan(0,2,0,0);
        THIS.s3.acceesKeyid = "___";
        THIS.s3.awsSecretKey = "___";
        // mappings
        THIS.mapping = {};
        THIS.mappings["/controllers"] = GetDirectoryFromPath( GetCurrentTemplatePath() ) & "controllers";
        THIS.mappings["/services"] = GetDirectoryFromPath( GetCurrentTemplatePath() ) & "services";

    <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" returnType="boolean" output="false" hint="">
            Application.strConfig = structNew();
            Application.strConfig.datasource = "___";
            Application.strConfig.rootDir = "test/members/";
            Application.strConfig.emailErrorMessaging = "on";
        // pre
            Session.activeSession = "No";
            Session.activeLog = "No";
        <cfreturn true />

    <cffunction name="onSessionStart" returnType="boolean" output="false" hint="session initalizer">
            var Local = {};
            Local.cfid = Session.cfid;
            Local.cftoken = Session.cftoken;
            StructClear( SESSION );

        <!---SESSION  --->
        <cfparam name="Session.log" default="">
        <cfparam name="Session.activeLog" default="No">
            Session.cfid = Local.cfid;
            Session.cftoken = Local.cftoken;
            Session.activeSession = "Yes";              
            Session.datasource = Application.strConfig.datasource;
            Session.testpath = "tes/";
            Session.tpu = "../";
            Session.bucketPath = "";
            Session.bucketName = "___";
        <cfreturn true />

    <cffunction name="onRequestStart" returnType="boolean" output="false" hint="Pre page processing!">         
            var LOCAL = {};             
        <!--- DEBUG --->
            <cfif structKeyExists(url,'reset')>
                <cfcache action="flush">
                <cfset OnApplicationStart() />
                <cfset THIS.OnSessionStart() />
            <cfif len( Session.errMsgs ) EQ 0> 
                <cfinvoke component="services.errorMsg" method="createErrMsgsLog" returnvariable="errMsgs"></cfinvoke>
                <cfset Session.errMsgs = errMsgs> 
        <cfreturn true />
    <!--- custom functions --->
<cfinclude template="templates/tmp_functions.cfm">

I think I'm getting closer. I have another mailer (same folder) and I just swapped this one in replacing my

 <cfinvoke component="form_mailer_other" method="msg_contact">
     <cfinvokeargument name="userData" value="#Local.User#"/>

Now Coldfusion can't find the method, but this means it found the cfc. Could it be an error inside my mailer.cfc then?

I'm afraid to tell...

Typo in the filename from_mailer_user ... Thanks everyone for helping out!


  • if the CFC and CFM file are not in the same directory you need to add the directory name where the CFC is located with a dot. See below. (directory.form_mailer_user)