filter file upload for only text files

I am using Firefox version 14.0.1. I need to filter the upload file window to show up only .txt files.

My browser is not supporting only for text files(text/plain). I can restrict image files by specifying this format ("image/*"). But I need to filter only text files in File Selector window.

I just want to upload text files(.txt) only and should restrict to other file formats uploading.

Is there any problem with my browser?


  • So according to the MDN reference on the input element accept=[MIME Type] is unimplemented in Gecko and currently you can only do : accept=image|audio|video

    One way you could do this is a server side check for the type on the controller.

    But a nicer way would be to do it on the client with some javascript: Something like this:

    function checkExt() {
     if(document.mainForm.myfile.value.lastIndexOf(".txt")==-1) {
        alert("Please upload only .txt extention file");
        return false;
    <form name="mainForm">
    <input type="file" name="myfile" onchange="checkExt();"/>

    See it running here:

    If your using JQuery you could make your code slicker or use the Validation plugin as described in this post: How to have jQuery restrict file types on upload?