I have Firefox with the [Firefox Page Title] page open on my Ubuntu computer.
Here is my command:
xdotool search "[Firefox Page Title]" windowactivate --sync key --clearmodifiers ctrl+r
xdotool website with documentation/examples is here.
Example straight from the xdotool website:
# As of version 2.20100623, you can do this simpler version of above:
xdotool search "Mozilla Firefox" windowactivate --sync key --clearmodifiers ctrl+l
I'm using xdotool version 2.20110530.1.
The command correctly focuses my screen to whatever window title I choose, but it doesn't send the ctrl+r key to the window, as the website doesn't refresh. I receive no error messages from the command. (Refresh shortcut in Firefox is ctrl+r)
Wanted Behavior:
The command will hopefully (when it works) be applied to a web server statistics page that is open 24/7 on my server computer, I'd like it to refresh the page automatically so I can view new traffic to my website without me having to do anything.
EDIT: I'm open to using other applications that can provide this functionality, if you know of something else that's easy/similar, please provide it as an answer! If I can't get this working I'll default to the next best thing.
After trying several different approaches to get xdotool to work correctly, I'm inclined to believe that xdotool itself is the issue. Here is what I tried, none worked.
I also tried these commands in a script, as the frontpage for xdotool recommends, although it states this is the "older" version, as it is separated into multiple commands. The "new" version was the version I was trying to execute before and is a single command (see question).
WID=`xdotool search "Firefox Page Title"`
xdotool windowactivate --sync $WID
xdotool key --clearmodifiers ctrl+r
All of the above attempts ALWAYS correctly focused to the window I wanted, but it does not send the key whether it was F5 or ctrl+r.
However, the following worked correctly:
xdotool selectwindow key ctrl+r
xdotool selectwindow key F5
The selectwindow
command, when executed, turns your cursor into a rectangular selection tool at which point you can select the window you want to be focused and, in this case, what window to send either the ctrl+r or F5 key to. Unfortunately, this is not what I was looking for, as it requires user input to work correctly.
Final Solution:
My solution (since I was attempting to use xdotool to constantly refresh a web-page) was to use the ReloadEvery Firefox add-on, which refreshes any page you set it on in any time interval you choose. It is intended to be a replica of the Opera browser's built-in automatic page refresh feature, and thus far, it works well.
For those of you who use Chrome and are looking for a similar solution, there are plenty of add-ons available for you too.