
Generic DAO and nested properties support

I am trying to perform a DB access through a DAO object, and I have bumped into the case where I need to query a field in another Entity.

Considering two entities (EntityA and EntityB) that are connected in entity A through the foreign key EntityA.idEntityB.

I have GenericDao<EntityA> daoA and I am trying to get all the results that match a determined field of EntityB: idEntityB.fieldOfB all in the same find method of the dao.

Is it possible? And if so some directions would be nice. Thanks


An example of my code:


public class EntityA {
    @JoinColumn(name = "id_entity_b", referencedColumnName = "id")
    @ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private EntityB idEntityB;
    // getter+setter...

public class EntityB {
    // ...
    private String fieldOfB;
    // getter+setter...

DAO Access

GenericDao<EntityA> daoA = // ...

Set<Criterion> filter = new HashSet<Criterion>();

List<EntityA> list = dao.findByFilter(filter);

The error message is something like "Could not resolve property idEntityB.fieldOfB"

edit 2

I was able to find something like what I want to do. Although my API is slightly different I believe this is helful for anyone who gets across this problem at an early stage of their own project.

The framework features a powerful and flexible search functionality. This is used by passing a search object to search methods on general and generic DAOs.

Searches with nested properties are fully supported in this project.


  • Here is my generic Criteria filtering method.

    Properties according to bean conventions have following form
    With Criteria API a tree can be build from a given filtering map and Restrictions can be added. One special case I observed during testing is that filtering on the identifier property does not needs a new subcriteria since this property is already fetched.

     * Creates a detached criteria from the given Type and given map of filters.
     * @param type Target type the Criteria is build for.
     * @param identifierPropertyName If provided (not null) the identifier
     *            property name can be identified for the given type to simplify
     *            the queries if the identifier property is the only property
     *            used on the parent no subqueries are needed.
     * @param filters
     * @see #createTree(Set, String)
     * @see #addRestrictions(DetachedCriteria, TreeNode)
     * @return
    public static DetachedCriteria createDetachedCriteria(final Class<?> type, final String identifierPropertyName,
        final Map<String, Criterion> filters)
        final DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(type);
        // add restrictions using tree
        final TreeNode<Entry<String, Criterion>> rootNode = HibernateUtils2.createTree(filters.entrySet(),
        final Iterator<TreeNode<Entry<String, Criterion>>> it = rootNode.getChildren().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext())
        return criteria;
     * Creates a Tree from the given Set using a fictional root TreeNode.
     * @param <T>
     * @param filters
     * @param identifierPropertyName Property name which is merged with its
     *            parent property. Example: <b></b> is treated as single
     *            property.
     * @return
    public static <T extends Object> TreeNode<Entry<String, T>> createTree(final Set<Entry<String, T>> filters,
        final String identifierPropertyName)
        final Iterator<Entry<String, Object>> it = filters.iterator();
         * create key property tree for Entity properties
        final TreeNode<Entry<String, Object>> rootNode = new TreeNode<Entry<String, Object>>(
            new SimpleEntry<String, Object>("root", null));
        while (it.hasNext())
            final Entry<String, Object> entry =;
            final String key = entry.getKey();
            String[] props;
             * check if we have a nested hierarchy
            if (key.contains("."))
                props = key.split("\\.");
                // check for identifier since identifier property name does not
                // need new subcriteria
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(identifierPropertyName))
                    int propsTempLength = props.length - 1;
                    if (props[propsTempLength].equals(identifierPropertyName))
                        props = Arrays.copyOf(props, propsTempLength);
                        props[propsTempLength] = props[propsTempLength] + "." + identifierPropertyName;
                // check for "this" identifier of beginning, which needs to be
                // added for projections because of hibernate not recognizing it
                if (props.length > 1 && props[0].equals("this"))
                    props[0] = "this." + props[1];
                    props = ArrayUtils.remove(props, 1);
                props = new String[]
            TreeNode<Entry<String, Object>> currNode = rootNode;
            // create nested criteria
            for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++)
                Object valueAdd;
                // only leaf needs value
                if (i != props.length - 1)
                    valueAdd = null;
                    valueAdd = entry.getValue();
                final TreeNode<Entry<String, Object>> childTempNode = new TreeNode<Entry<String, Object>>(
                    new SimpleEntry<String, Object>(props[i], valueAdd));
                // try to get the real node
                TreeNode<Entry<String, Object>> childNode = currNode.getChild(childTempNode.getElement());
                // check if we already have a unique node
                if (childNode == null)
                    childNode = childTempNode;
                    // add new child to set if its a new node
                currNode = childNode;
        return rootNode;
     * Recursively adds the given Restriction's wrapped in the given TreeNode to
     * the Criteria.
     * @param criteria
     * @param treeNode
    public static void addRestrictions(final DetachedCriteria criteria,
        final TreeNode<Entry<String, Criterion>> treeNode)
        // if we have a leaf simply add restriction
        if (treeNode.getChildren().size() == 0)
            // create new sub Criteria and iterate children's
            final DetachedCriteria subCriteria = criteria.createCriteria(treeNode.getElement().getKey());
            final Iterator<TreeNode<Entry<String, Criterion>>> it = treeNode.getChildren().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext())
     * Utility classes
     * Generic TreeNode implementation with a Set to hold its children to only allow
     * unique children's.
    public class TreeNode<T>
        private final T element;
        private final Set<TreeNode<T>> childrens;
        public TreeNode(final T element)
            if (element == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element cannot be null");
            this.element = element;
            this.childrens = new HashSet<TreeNode<T>>();
        public void addChildren(final TreeNode<T> children)
         * Retrieves the children which equals the given one.
         * @param children
         * @return If no children equals the given one returns null.
        public TreeNode<T> getChildren(final TreeNode<T> children)
            final Iterator<TreeNode<T>> it = this.childrens.iterator();
            TreeNode<T> next = null;
            while (it.hasNext())
                next =;
                if (next.equals(children))
                    return next;
            return null;
        public T getElement()
            return this.element;
        public Set<TreeNode<T>> getChildrens()
            return this.childrens;
         * Checks if the element of this instance equals the one of the given
         * Object.
        public boolean equals(final Object obj)
            if (this == obj)
                return true;
            if (obj != null && obj instanceof TreeNode)
                final TreeNode<?> treeNode = (TreeNode<?>) obj;
                return this.element.equals(treeNode.element);
                return false;
        public int hashCode()
            int hash = 1;
            hash = hash * 17 + this.element.hashCode();
            return hash;

    Hope this helps you. Or have a look at the generic dao project you mentioned. I knew about this project and checked it out but never downloaded it.

    Using this approach a query can be created very simple like following:

    Map<String, Object> filters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    filters.put("","name", "peter"));
    filters.put("", Restrictions.eq("id", 2));
    List<Class> data = HibernateUtils.createDetachedCriteria(Class, "get identifier from sessionFactory", filters).getExecutableCriteria(session).list();

    This odd approach to add the property name as the key and into the Restrictions is related to the fact that Restrictions have no getter and setter for property names.

    Custom filtering

    My real application uses similar code which is not restricted to Criterion class only. For my web tier I created custom filters which are equivalent to Restrictions api but the client does not needs hibernate jar's anymore.


    Generic filtering across non-entities such as component's and composite-id's is not supported. It can easily be extended with help of ClassMetadata to support them without need for reflection. If code is needed i can provide it.