Very odd~
Basically I have a standard "Like!" button:
<div class="fb-like" data-href="myURL/things/{{MyINFO}}/" data-send="false" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>
Over at I have:
def myView(request):
#Other things
ctx = {
'Otherstuff' : Otherstuff
return render_to_response('myApp/myPage4.html', ctx, RequestContext(request))
When the user "Like"s the page, they should be liking myURL/things/MyString/
but they are getting myURL/things/%7B%7BMyINFO%7D%7D/
Could the facebook stuff be loaded before the template is pre-processed?
Woops, the front-end person changed the {{}} to {{}}
That is, {{}} to {{}}