My application will be used on a small twin engine aircraft. The environment is "bumpy" and the nipple "mouse" is very hard to use (even in the hanger!). I need to be able to intercept key combinations for at least all the commonly used actions the user wants to take. These would include, for example, alt-C to perform a a calibration, alt-R to start recording data, alt-X to have the app shut down gracefully, etc.
I've only used key Bindings in a demo class and do not understand how use them over an entire window. I have put 5 JPanels containing otherJPpanels and components on my JFrame's ContentPane. All the examples I have found assume some component has focus but pushing TAB 23 times to get to a component is unreasonable.
The app will run under LINUX, probably Ubuntu.
In swing you should add a KeyStroke to the main panel's action map: For instance the following code let you refresh the JFrame that contains the JPanel, each time you press [F10] key:
public class MainWindow extends JFrame{
JPanel central;
public MainWindow(){
central = new JPanel();
// I assume you define your other 5 panels here
// and add them to the central JPanel.
getContentPane().add(central, BorderLayout.CENTER);
private void registerRefreshAction(){
javax.swing.Action refresh = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
JFrame frame = (JFrame) getTopLevelAncestor();
KeyStroke keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F10, 0);
central.getActionMap().put("Refresh", refresh);
central.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(keyStroke, "Refresh");
You should call registerRefreshAction in some place in your constructor, as shown before. The other components you mention are included inside the 5 panels and don't need to be shown. It is working in Linux.