I'm having a problem with starting an AVD from Eclipse. When I start the AVD that I just created, it gives me the following error:
I think that is because of the username in the path...
I tried to just copy the .android
to C:\
) but the manager is just searching in the old path...
I tried to setup a environement variable like this:
Value: C:\Users\André Peixoto\.android\.android
But it didn't solve the problem...
What should I try next?
I reinstalled the android sdk and now it doesn't show the weird characters:
But the path for the AVD_2_3_3.ini
file still wrong. I think it should be: C:\Users\André Peixoto\.android\avd\AVD_2_3_3.ini
instead of C:\Users\André Peixoto\.android\.android\.android/avd/AVD_2_3_3.ini
How should I change that?
I solved that using the solution presented on the comment 26
from here:
No matter your configuration. If the message will be like this "[2011-11-21 22:31:24 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open AVD config file: C:\Users\Ярослав.android\avd\my_defult_android_2_3_3_avd.avd/config.ini"
( "C:\Users\Ярослав.android\avd\my_defult_android_2_3_3_avd.avd" - it's your AVD device configuration. )
than :
copy direcoty "my_defult_android_2_3_3_avd.avd" to some place where the path will not contain "Ярослав" symbols (I in result had the path like this "d:\android\my_avd_devices\avd\my_defult_android_2_3_3_avd.avd").
File "my_defult_android_2_3_3_avd.ini" will contained in directory "C:\Users\Ярослав.android\avd\". Open this file.
Change "path=C:\Users\Ярослав.android\avd\my_defult_android_2_3_3_avd.avd" to "path=d:\android\my_avd_devices\avd\my_defult_android_2_3_3_avd.avd"
Save and close. Start your application again))).
But at the first time I tried this solution and it didn't work. So I uninstalled the android SDK and eclipse and reinstalled all over again. I also removed the environments variables for android_sdk that I had previously set and set a new one called ANDROID_HOME
with value C:\android-sdk
Now I'm able to run AVD.
I think this is not a ideal solution because each time I create an AVD, I need to do this process. But for now it solves my problem.
Hope this solution helps someone else.
UPDATE - New Solution
I was having some problems with the previous solution so I used a diferent approach:
I created a new account (Administrator) in my Windows which the username havn't accents.
I put my Eclipse folder inside C:\
to have access from the new account.
Now, when I want to work with Android, I change to this new account.