
"Could not find the main class. Program will exit"

I'm trying to run SQuirreL SQL.
I've downloaded it and installed it, but when I try to run it I get this error message:

Java Virtual Machine Launcher.
Could not find the main class.
Program will exit.

I get the gist of this, but I have not idea how to fix it. Any help?

more info:


This question: "Could not find the main class: XX. Program will exit." gives some background on this error from the point of view of a java developer.


  • Is Java installed on your computer? Is the path to its bin directory set properly (in other words if you type 'java' from the command line do you get back a list of instructions or do you get something like "java is not recognized as a .....")?

    You could try try running squirrel-sql.jar from the command line (from the squirrel sql directory), using:

    java -jar squirrel-sql.jar