I have a bunch of data which will insert into a table. This issue is that I need it to return the primary key to that table. I wasn't sure if there was things like:
insert into TABLE (...) values (...) RETURNING p_key
select p_key from (insert into TABLE (...) values (...))
I am making a workaround for a browser and saved information which will more or less add a row and then update it... but without the primary key, there is no way to update it as there is no reference to it.
I was looking online and found some examples via google, but it confused me slightly with these examples.
Wikipedia was saying that for SQL Server 2008 to use OUTPUT
instead of RETURNING
, possible to use something like OUTPUT p_key
If you're inserting a whole set of rows, selecting the SCOPE_IDENTITY()
won't do. And SCOPE_IDENTITY
also only works for (numeric) identity columns - sometimes your PK is something else...
But SQL Server does have the OUTPUT
clause - and it's very well documented on MSDN!
INSERT INTO dbo.Table(columns)
OUTPUT INSERTED.p_key, INSERTED.someothercolumnhere .......
Those values will be "echoed" back to the calling app, e.g. you'll see them in a grid in SQL Server Management Studio, or you can read them as a result set from your C# or VB.NET calling this INSERT