I want to apply a function to 20 trading days worth of hourly FX data (as one example amongst many).
I started off with rollapply(data,width=20*24,FUN=FUN,by=24)
. That seemed to be working well, I could even assert I always got 480 bars passed in... until I realized that wasn't what I wanted. The start and end time of those 480 bars was drifting over the years, due to changes in daylight savings, and market holidays.
So, what I want is a function that treats a day as from 22:00 to 22:00 of each day we have data for. (21:00 to 21:00 in N.Y. summertime - my data timezone is UTC, and daystart is defined at 5pm ET)
So, I made my own rollapply function with this at its core:
xx <- lapply(1:length(ep), function(ix) FUN(.subset_xts(data,sp[ix]:ep[ix]),...) )
I then called this with on="days", k=1 and width=20.
This has two problems:
UPDATE: Problem 1 above is wrong! The XTS
function does work in trading days, not calendar days. The reason I thought otherwise is the timezone issue made it look like a 6-day trading week: Sun to Fri. Once the timezone problem was fixed (see my self-answer), usingwidth=20
does indeed give me 4 weeks of data.
(The typically there is important: when there is a trading holiday during those 4 weeks I expect to receive 4 weeks 1 day's worth of data, i.e. always exactly 20 trading days.)
I started working on a function to cut the data into weeks, thinking I could then cut them into five 24hr chunks, but this feels like the wrong approach, and surely someone has invented this wheel before me?
Here is how to get the daybreak right:
I.e. just setting the timezone puts the daybreak at 17:00; we want it to be at 24:00, so add 7 hours on first.
With help from: time zones in POSIXct and xts, converting from GMT in R
Here is the full function:
data <- try.xts(data)
x2 <- data
index(x2) <- index(x2)+(7*3600)
indexTZ(x2) <- 'America/New_York'
ep <- endpoints(x2,on=on,k=k) #The end point of each calendar day (when on="days").
#Each entry points to the final bar of the day. ep[1]==0.
stop("Cannot divide data up")
}else if(length(ep)==2){ #Can only fit one chunk in.
sp <- 1;ep <- ep[-1]
sp <- ep[1:(length(ep)-width)]+1
ep <- ep[(width+1):length(ep)]
xx <- lapply(1:length(ep), function(ix) FUN(.subset_xts(data,sp[ix]:ep[ix]),...) )
xx <- do.call(rbind,xx) #Join them up as one big matrix/data.frame.
tt <- index(data)[ep] #Implicit align="right". Use sp for align="left"
res <- xts(xx, tt)
return (res)
You can see we use the modified index to split up the original data. (If R uses copy-on-write under the covers, then the only extra memory requirement should be for a copy of the index, not of the data.)
(Legal bit: please consider it licensed under MIT, but explicit permission given to use in the GPL-2 XTS package if that is desired.)