I want to generate a bitmap file using google maps without passing data through a mapView, like a background thread (downloading tiles in order to write the bitmap)
Does anyone has an idea?
an example is: entering coordinates and after clicking a button, the .png is generated in the SD Card, containing the COMPLETE loaded tiles.
any proposals?
This method returns url with map image
public static String getMapUrl(Double lat, Double lon, int width, int height) {
final String coordPair = lat + "," + lon;
return "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?"
+ "&zoom=16"
+ "&size=" + width + "x" + height
+ "&maptype=roadmap&sensor=true"
+ "¢er=" + coordPair
+ "&markers=color:black|" + coordPair;
You can download or display it on ImageView