I'm trying to use an update panel so my page doesn't refresh every time I make a click in a menu item but it seems that what i'm doing is not working out would u help me out?
by the way this code is part of a sub-menu list, so i'm not able to change it for a button or something like that. this is my code:
<ul id="ebul_mb73g0_2" class="ebul_mb73g0" style="display: none;">
**<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" id="UpdatePanel2" updatemode="Conditional">
<a title="" id="btnStock" tabindex="2" onclick="btnStock_Click">Stock</a>
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnStock" eventname="Click" />
<li><a title="" id="btnSales" tabindex="3">Sales</a></li>
and here is the execution error i get: A control with ID 'btnStock' could not be found for the trigger in UpdatePanel 'UpdatePanel2'
i believe it's because <a></a>
is not a control, but is there any way i could make that work out?
thank you for the help =)
You're right, the <a>
is not a server side control.
I think you want to change to an <asp:Button>
for this since it's not really a link if you want to cause a postback and hit btnStock_Click()