This may be a javascript question but since it also deals with Rails variables and gmpas4rails gem I would like to ask you anyway...
I have this in my view
<%= gmaps(
"markers" => { "data" => @json },
"circles" => { "data" => '[
{"lng": 122.214897, "lat": 37.772323, "radius": 25000, "strokeColor": "#FF0000"}
) %>
And the part where I have circles I want to have this
"circles" => { "data" => '[
{"lng": '@shop.longitude', "lat": '@shop.latitude', "radius": 25000, "strokeColor": "#FF0000"}
So for every shop it would center the circles and draw the zone...
You should not escape the latitude and longitude:
"circles" => {
"data" => "[{'lng': #{@shop.longitude}, 'lat': #{@shop.latitude}, 'radius': 25000, 'strokeColor': '#FF0000'}]"
Alternate solution:
"circles" => {
"data" => [{'lng' => @shop.longitude, 'lat' => @shop.latitude, 'radius' => 25000, 'strokeColor' => '#FF0000'}].to_json