
Whats the difference between Paxos and W+R>=N in Cassandra?

Dynamo-like databases (e.g. Cassandra) can enforce consistency by means of quorum, i.e. a number of synchronously written replicas (W) and a number of replicas to read (R) should be chosen in such a way that W+R>N where N is a replication factor. On the other hand, PAXOS-based systems like Zookeeper are also used as a consistent fault-tolerant storage.

What is the difference between these two approaches? Does PAXOS provide guarantees that are not provided by W+R>N schema?


  • Paxos is non-trivial to implement, and expensive enough that many systems using it use hints as well, or use it only for leader election, or something. However, it does provide guaranteed consistency in the presence of failures - subject of course to the limits of its particular failure model.

    The first quorum based systems I saw assumed some sort of leader or transaction infrastructure that would ensure enough consistency that you could trust that the quorum mechanism worked. This infrastructure might well be Paxos-based.

    Looking at descriptions such as, it would appear that Dynamo is not based on an infrastructure that guarantees consistency for its quorum system - so is it being very clever or cutting corners? According to, "The Dynamo system emphasizes availability to the extent of sacrificing consistency. The abstract reads "Dynamo sacrifices consistency under certain failure scenarios". Actually, later it becomes clear that Dynamo sacrifices consistency even in the absence of failures: Dynamo may become inconsistent in the presence of multiple concurrent write requests since the replicas may diverge due to multiple coordinators." (end quote)

    So, it would appear that in the case of quorums as implemented in Dynamo, Paxos provides stronger reliability guarantees.