How can I view my io:format(…) output in ErlIDE? Is it supported or not? I can't figure it out.
My breakpoints and a code work fine but nothing except
Eshell V5.9.1
is displayed on the console. Additionally I can't execute any code in an code input window below the console; when I press Ctrl+Enter it just wraps a line.
Manual erl launch shows me everything I printed in my program.
I would need additional information to tell you what happens for you.
I have this code
f() ->
F = oki,
io:format("format ~p~n", [F]),
and in the console
Eshell V5.9.1.1
(> y:f().
format oki
Please send me the logs (at, for example, I don't know if you can attach them here). Logs are retrieved from window->preferences->erlang->report problem.