How do I set "Enabled","None" as default value for "Status","Tax class" fields in admin?
Here are some examples of what you can do setting defaults half sensibly. I included a few extras to presage your next question:
UPDATE `eav_attribute` SET `default_value` = 'container1' WHERE `eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='options_container';
UPDATE `eav_attribute` SET `default_value` = '1' WHERE `eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='is_active';
UPDATE `eav_attribute` SET `default_value` = '1' WHERE `eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='is_anchor';
UPDATE `eav_attribute` SET `default_value` = '1' WHERE `eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='status';
UPDATE `eav_attribute` SET `default_value` = '0' WHERE `eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='weight';
UPDATE `eav_attribute` SET `default_value` = '2' WHERE `eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='tax_class_id';
insert into core_config_data values ( null, 'default', 0, 'cataloginventory/item_options/is_in_stock', 1 );
insert into core_config_data values ( null, 'default', 0, 'cataloginventory/item_options/qty', 10 );