How to use shift to select part of the commandline (like in many text editors) ?
shift-arrow() {
((REGION_ACTIVE)) || zle set-mark-command
zle $1
shift-left() shift-arrow backward-char
shift-right() shift-arrow forward-char
shift-up() shift-arrow up-line-or-history
shift-down() shift-arrow down-line-or-history
zle -N shift-left
zle -N shift-right
zle -N shift-up
zle -N shift-down
bindkey $terminfo[kLFT] shift-left
bindkey $terminfo[kRIT] shift-right
bindkey $terminfo[kri] shift-up
bindkey $terminfo[kind] shift-down
That assumes your terminal sends a different escape sequence upon Shift-Arrows from the one sent upon Arrow and that your terminfo database is properly populated with corresponding kLFT and kRIT capabilities, and that you're using emacs style key binding.
Or, to factorize the code a bit:
shift-arrow() {
((REGION_ACTIVE)) || zle set-mark-command
zle $1
for key kcap seq widget (
left LFT $'\e[1;2D' backward-char
right RIT $'\e[1;2C' forward-char
up ri $'\e[1;2A' up-line-or-history
down ind $'\e[1;2B' down-line-or-history
) {
functions[shift-$key]="shift-arrow $widget"
zle -N shift-$key
bindkey ${terminfo[k$kcap]-$seq} shift-$key
Above, hardcoded sequences for cases where the terminfo database doesn't have the information (using xterm