On login to Ubuntu, I start an Emacs (version 23) daemon using Ubuntu's Startup programs. I then start Emacs clients whenever I need to edit something. When I logoff from Ubuntu, it says Emacs is still running, of course. I need to attach a script somewhere to tell Gnome to shutdown emacs when I logoff/shutdown.
What should the script look like? "kill-emacs" doesn't seem to work.
Where should I put this script? There's nothing in the startup programs (System->Sessions menu) panel that looks useful. I'd prefer something that works in the user's account, rather than hacking the PostSession script or something else with root access.
This linuxquestions.org page has a Python script that can be run during login that listens for the 'save yourself' event that Gnome emits during shutdown. You could modify that to do the:
emacsclient -e '(save-buffers-kill-emacs)'
Official docs: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsAsDaemon#toc8