
Error creating context 'spring.root': Could not load type from string value

i'm working on .net project,

since from last 2 days getting following error which is referring other assembly Valhalla.Core but not getting exact reason of error.

no changes are made recently help me to identify reason.

{"Error creating context 'spring.root': Could not load type from string value 'Valhalla.Core.Events.Implementation.EventListenerManager, Valhalla.Core.Events.Implementation'."}

{"Could not load type from string value 'Valhalla.Core.Events.Implementation.EventListenerManager, Valhalla.Core.Events.Implementation'.":""}


  • You mention that the assembly name is Valhalla.Core, yet the type qualifier in the error message indicates an assembly named Valhalla.Core.Events.Implementations. The part after the comma is the assembly name, which is the exact name of the relevant dll.

    Search your XML configuration files for

    type="Valhalla.Core.Events.Implementation.EventListenerManager, Valhalla.Core.Events.Implementations"

    And replace it with

    type="Valhalla.Core.Events.Implementation.EventListenerManager, Valhalla.Core"

    Some other things you can investigate: