
Boolean expression parser in Java

Are there any jJava libraries or techniques to parsing boolean expressions piecemeal?

What I mean is given an expression like this:

T && ( F || ( F && T ) )

It could be broken down into a expression tree to show which token caused the 'F' value, like so (maybe something like this):

T &&               <- rhs false
    ( F ||         <- rhs false
        ( F && T ) <- eval, false

I am trying to communicate boolean expression evaluations to non-programmers. I have poked around with Anlr, but I couldn't get it to do much (it seems to have a bit of a learning curve).

I'm not opposed to writing it myself, but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.


  • I've coded this using Javaluator.
    It's not exactly the output you are looking for, but I think it could be a start point.

    package test;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import net.astesana.javaluator.*;
    public class TreeBooleanEvaluator extends AbstractEvaluator<String> {
      /** The logical AND operator.*/
      final static Operator AND = new Operator("&&", 2, Operator.Associativity.LEFT, 2);
      /** The logical OR operator.*/
      final static Operator OR = new Operator("||", 2, Operator.Associativity.LEFT, 1);
      private static final Parameters PARAMETERS;
      static {
        // Create the evaluator's parameters
        PARAMETERS = new Parameters();
        // Add the supported operators
        // Add the parentheses
      public TreeBooleanEvaluator() {
      protected String toValue(String literal, Object evaluationContext) {
        return literal;
      private boolean getValue(String literal) {
        if ("T".equals(literal) || literal.endsWith("=true")) return true;
        else if ("F".equals(literal) || literal.endsWith("=false")) return false;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown literal : "+literal);
      protected String evaluate(Operator operator, Iterator<String> operands,
          Object evaluationContext) {
        List<String> tree = (List<String>) evaluationContext;
        String o1 =;
        String o2 =;
        Boolean result;
        if (operator == OR) {
          result = getValue(o1) || getValue(o2);
        } else if (operator == AND) {
          result = getValue(o1) && getValue(o2);
        } else {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        String eval = "("+o1+" "+operator.getSymbol()+" "+o2+")="+result;
        return eval;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        TreeBooleanEvaluator evaluator = new TreeBooleanEvaluator();
        doIt(evaluator, "T && ( F || ( F && T ) )");
        doIt(evaluator, "(T && T) || ( F && T )");
      private static void doIt(TreeBooleanEvaluator evaluator, String expression) {
        List<String> sequence = new ArrayList<String>();
        evaluator.evaluate(expression, sequence);
        System.out.println ("Evaluation sequence for :"+expression);
        for (String string : sequence) {
          System.out.println (string);
        System.out.println ();

    Here is the ouput:

    Evaluation sequence for :T && ( F || ( F && T ) )
    (F && T)=false
    (F || (F && T)=false)=false
    (T && (F || (F && T)=false)=false)=false

    Evaluation sequence for :(T && T) || ( F && T )
    (T && T)=true
    (F && T)=false
    ((T && T)=true || (F && T)=false)=true