
This is not a text file(zend optimizer)

<?php @Zend;
/* !This is not a text file!

print <<<EOM

//here goes some zend html code for information


//here goes the binary data, instead of php code

I have downloaded a file to view/edit from the hosting, and I see this....many php files are corrupted with binary data, so I can't edit it and I don't know how can this be fixed, or how can I decode this binary data?


  • The file you have opened is a binary and not a text file.

    That is why there is no source-code.

    You get the source-code by contacting the original author of that file.

    Btw, the file is not corrupted. It is just not human read- and editable.

    See as well: Decode a PHP encoded with 'zend guard'