I am trying to get rid of the typical persistence.xml
file in Spring JPA web application. So far, I have managed to inject the EntityManager
successfully with the following:
public class JpaConfig {
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean(){
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean factoryBean
= new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
factoryBean.setDataSource( this.restDataSource() );
factoryBean.setPackagesToScan( new String[ ] { "com.jverstry" } );
JpaVendorAdapter vendorAdapter = new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter(){
// JPA properties ...
factoryBean.setJpaVendorAdapter( vendorAdapter );
return factoryBean;
public DataSource restDataSource(){
DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
return dataSource;
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(){
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
this.entityManagerFactoryBean().getObject() );
return transactionManager;
I have managed to move the properties of my persistence.xml for the datasource:
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect"/>
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create"/>
but how to I set the two remaining hibernate properties above? Thanks
Spring provides a way to configure these options in provider-independent way using AbstractJpaVendorAdapter
and setGenerateDdl()
, though setGenerateDdl()
doesn't take DDL mode).
Alternatively, you can pass arbitrary properties to LocalContainerEntityManagerFactory
using setJpaProperties()
(or setJpaPropertyMap()
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect");
props.put("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "create");