
Creating Self-Signed CA Certificate with makecert.exe

I am trying to create Self-Signed CA Certificate on 32bit Windows 7 (virtual). The makecert is v7.1 located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin>.

Whenever i try to execute this command (elevated) ...

makecert.exe -r -n “CN=MyCert CA” -pe -sv MyCert.pvk -a sha1 -len 2048
             -b 09/04/2012 -e 09/04/2018 -cy authority MyCert.cer

...I get prompted for password but when i confirm it I get:

Error: CryptCertStrToNameW failed => 0x80092023 (-2146885597) Failed

Any help would be apreciated.



  • I copied your command into a command prompt and got the same error. However, I retyped the command and it worked. I suspect one of the characters in the name argument "CN=MyCert CA" is a special character, possibly copied from a word processor.